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Is the Vampire Facial® worth it?

What does a Vampire Facial® do?

What are the risks and side effects of Vampire Facial®?

If you are considering getting Vampire PRP Facial®, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn more about it.

 【Table of Contents】
1. What is the Vampire Facial®?
2. Benefits and Effects of the Vampire Facial®?
3. Side effects and Risks of the Vampire Facial®?

1 | What is the Vampire Facial®?

The Vampire Facial® is an anti-aging procedure that combines Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) with a physician-grade microneedling pen to create the proper microchannels for tissue regeneration.

PRP stimulates new collagen, producing new stem cells. The end result is youthful, radiant skin.

The first step involves drawing a small tube of blood from the arm, and spinning it into a centrifuge to separate the PRP.

A numbing applied to the face to prevent any discomfort, and then the microneedling treatment is performed.

The physician grade microneedling pen is unique because it uses very fine surgical needles to make tiny holes into the skin.

This creates micro injuries to the skin, maximizes PRP absorption, and activates the skin’s healing process.

Where on the face can Vampire Facial® be performed?

  • Forehead
  • Between the Brows
  • Corners of the Eyes
  • Under the Eyes
  • Cheeks
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Acne Scars
  • Jawline
  • Neck

Our Vampire Facial® >>

2 | Benefits and Effects of the Vampire Facial®?

Here are the main 3 benefits and effects of Vampire Facial® treatments.

Effect on Pores

Vampire Facial® treatment stimulates fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin in the dermis, which are important components of the skin’s foundation for skin elasticity.

This results in plump and supple skin, while reducing the appearance of enlarged pores and sagging skin at the same time.

Effects on Acne Scars and Craters

The highly concentrated platelets introduced into the skin during the Vampire Facial® treatment have the ability to regenerate tissue and heal wounds.

PRP is even used in sports therapy to heal joints and ligaments!

The penetration of PRP into the dermis is effective in improving acne scars and craters due to the stimulation of collagen and elastin production.

Scarred tissue can be lightened and healed through this treatment.

Effects on Anti-Aging and Wrinkles

Components such as collagen and elastin in the dermis generated by the Vampire Facial® Treatments have an anti-aging effect.

The Vampire Facial® lifts sagging skin from within whilst plumping the skin, thereby improving wrinkles and leads to resilient and younger-looking skin.

3 | Side effects and risks of Vampire Facial®

The Vampire Facial® is performed using platelets taken from your own blood, therefore side effects such as allergies are unlikely to occur.

This is because your body does not recognize your own PRP as foreign, making it extremely tolerable by your system.

However, since fine microneedle wounds are created at the site of the microneedle insertion, there is a risk of redness, and swelling after the procedure.

In order to mitigate these risks, we recommend to avoid going into a hot shower right after the procedure, rubbing or touching the skin, strenuous exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption for about three days after the treatment.

How long does these side effects last?

The downtime from the Vampire Facial® varies from the depth of the microneedles used in the procedure.

The deeper the microneedles penetrate into the skin, the longer the downtime is likely to be.

Only a physician-grade microneedling pen can go deeper than 0.5 mm, and only certain areas of the face and skin condition will require deeper microneedling.

After a Vampire Facial®, your face may be slightly pink for 2-5 days.

You should avoid retinol, vitamin C, and any harsh ingredients for at least a week.

How to get Vampire Facial® Treatments Without Worrying

At Ovo Medi Spa, we offer everyone a free 30-minute consultation prior to any treatment in order to propose the most appropriate and optimal treatment methods.

We are here to answer your questions and improve your skin!

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